Category Archives: Discovery Camp

Campfire Tales | Week 5 (7/29/23)

[Did you see the Second Session/Week 1 video yet? Click here to watch it!]

By Aaron Selkow, Owner/Director

The first week of our camp’s Second Session is nearing a close, and at this point of the summer I always start to get anxious with a feeling of “time is running out.” The 3-week session at Chestnut is jam-packed with activity so that campers can experience the special moments that they deserve, and after one week, we’re already running at full speed. Our Varsity campers just left on the multi-day Mid-Atlantic Adventure trip, trips for the rest of camp come in the next couple of days, we’ve had our Tribal Campfire, and the “Tribal Spirit” is palpable, Specialty Camps are currently running (this weekend has featured basketball and dance), and despite occasional rain, the kids have had lots and lots of activities.

As I shared last night with our entire staff at camp, it’s time to cherish the remaining time that we have while we push to engage and guide our campers through the core of their session. Our 3-week kids have a lot still to come, and our 7-week campers are also at a great moment of the summer. They have spent 5 weeks at camp already and we are committed to stoking their deep passion for camp.

One highlight that was a key aspect of our first week of the Second Session was the arrival of our Discovery Camp kids for their 5-day program. These 2nd/3rd/4th-grade boys and girls (65 in total) were here for their very first time and we designed a “taste of camp” program that was meant to give them a real sense of what Chestnut is all about. It’s only the second year that we have offered this experience, and again this summer we enjoyed a great time. The staff members that shifted from their usual cabin assignments into the Dico Camp cabins and programs were amazing, and as we said goodbye to them at the end of the session, there were countless kids saying that we would see them next summer.

One moment that might have felt like a bad omen at the start of the Disco week was the arrival of their bus. Half of the campers in the program come from New York City and a partnership with the 92Y (and their amazing day camp), so we welcomed a charter bus during our Second Session drop off. The driver was told to back up to make his way out of camp, and he instead decided to drive forward. Then he backed up. Then he got stuck on wet grass. Then he hung his bus up on the road, unable to move. And then we towed the bus. The photo (see inset) is a classic.

Time is running, but not running out. Our Second Session is underway and we’re having a lot of fun in Beach Lake. Let’s enjoy all of the moments and not take for granted when everything feels awesome at Chestnut…and if we need to get “towed” out of trouble, we can handle that!



Campfire Tales | 7/29/22

By Aaron Selkow, Owner/Director

The Tribal Campfire is fantastic. We gather the campers in our usual spot near the woods on the way to the lake, and we use storytelling and ritual to inspire excitement and camp spirit. The two Tribal War teams (Unami Turtles and Minsi Wolves, dressed in their white and green outfits and belting out cheers and songs) sit in two sections of the site, while our first-time campers are wearing their red Chestnut Lake Tribal t-shirts awaiting the official news of which team they will forever join. Tonight, without the threat of rain, we were able to incorporate all the rituals we cherish at Chestnut for this special night.

To begin, I read the Tribal Story (you can click here and see the same words we shared tonight). The story connects the dots between Chestnut Lake Camp’s history and the sustenance of the Tribal tradition. Following the recitation of this tale, our campers on the Minsi Wolves and Unami Turtles move to line the bridge to the lake, each team standing across from each in the Tribal colors. The first-time campers in red make their way through this gauntlet and arrive at the lake to perform the Tribal Oath (also available to read here).

When the campers return to the Campfire Site, they learn of their team by virtue of the white or green pain that is added to their cheeks by our camp leadership team. They turn to face their friends, and they react to the responses those new teammates have to the paint seen on their faces. Now, they are part of a new community. Forevermore, they will be either Minsi or Unami.

The ceremony tonight is analogous to our first week at camp. Our Full Summer and Second Session campers that have either been here all summer or are back after a previous season here are our leaders. Their job – while they are enjoying themselves and able to just be kids in such a remarkable place – is to help our new campers settle in and discover the joy that we have here in Beach Lake. During the first 5 days, they did so with 50 additional campers here to experience Discovery Camp. And now, as they continue through a sprint through our remaining two weeks of the summer, they have indoctrinated their peers into the Tribal experience. All that remains now is to wait and see when Tribal will be “broken” in a creative way, and then the actual games will begin.

We keep track of the Tribal winners each session and from summer to summer. But there is no doubt that we all win when we can dive into such a meaningful activity and connect each camper to one another and to the rich history – and future – that we have at Chestnut Lake.

Chestnut Lake Discovery Camp – A Family Tradition!

Going to summer camp for the first time can be an anxious experience for a child.        Chestnut Lake strives to make the transition to camp life easier by offering campers the opportunity to participate in an introductory experience to Chestnut Lake called Discovery Camp.  Chestnut Lake Discovery Camp introduces campers to life at CLC and all of the exciting things that Chestnut Lake has to offer. Jordyn and Henry Faragalli                participated in Discovery Camp last year after hearing about Chestnut Lake from their cousins, Noah Grossman (6 years at CLC), Abby Grossman (4 years at CLC) and Aaron Grossman (2nd summer at CLC) This summer, Jordyn will be returning as a first year camper in the Yazhi Division and Henry will be returning for Discovery Camp along with his younger brother Zachary. Jordyn, Henry and Zachary shared some information about themselves and their thoughts on the upcoming summer at Chestnut Lake Camp.


Jordyn:         IMG_0498                     

My name is Jordyn Faragalli. I live in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania. I’m 9 years old and currently in 3rd grade at the Shipley School. I have an older sister, a twin brother and a younger brother. I also have a dog named Lola. I love doing gymnastics and riding roller coasters and water slides .
My cousins went to Chestnut Lake Camp and said how great it was……best summers!
This will be my first summer at Chestnut Lake and I’m so excited. I can’t wait to do gymnastics, swim in the lake and ride the flying squirrel and the zip line. I went to Discovery Camp last year and knew Chestnut Lake was a great place. The activities were so much fun. All the counselors were so nice and my Big Sisterss were great,too! I loved everything about my experience at Discovery Camp and now I can’t wait to spend my first summer away at CLC.

Favorite Song: Uptown Funk

Favorite Book: Like Bug Juice on a Burger

Favorite Foods: Grilled Cheese, Yogurt, Fruit, S’mores and Cake


 Jordyn at Discovery Camp with her CLC Big Sisters, Sabrina and Berenice



Henry:        IMG_0492

My name is Henry Faragalli. I’m 9 years old and I’m currently in 3rd grade. I have two sisters (one of which is my twin), a younger brother and a dog named Lola . I love to play basketball and swim.
This will be my second time at Discovery Camp. I can’t wait to ride mountain bikes and the banana boat, too! Also, my younger brother is going to       Discovery Camp which will be awesome!

Favorite Sports Team: Philadelphia Eagles

Favorite Foods: Grilled cheese, chicken

sandwiches, pizza and waffles

Favorite singer: Nick Jonas



 Henry at Discovery Camp with his CLC Big Brother, Ben



Zach:          IMG_1431

My name is Zach Faragalli. I’m 7 years old and currently in 1st grade at The Haverford School. I am the youngest of 4 kids. I have 2 older sisters and an older brother. And I can’t forget our dog Lola! I love to play football, basketball and baseball. I’m so excited about Discovery Camp. It’s my first time and I can’t wait to ride the banana boat!!

Favorite Sports Team: New England Patriots (Tom Brady is awesome-I think I throw a spiral just like him)

Favorite Foods: Pizza and ice cream

Favorite band: Imagine Dragons



The Faragalli Foursome-Sydni, Henry, Zach and Jordyn

Discovery Camp at Chestnut Lake

Chestnut Lake Discovery Camp is one of our favorite weekends at Chestnut Lake. Discovery Camp offers future CLC campers the opportunity to spend a weekend with us and discover what the Chestnut Lake Camp experience is all about!

This past weekend our Discovery Camp Campers arrived and had the opportunity to experience what it’s like being part of the Chestnut Lake family. Upon arrival, each Discoverer was given a CLC big sister or big brother. Siblings, cousins, friends from home and CLC Big Brothers and Sisters gave them a spirited CLC welcome as they came off the Discovery Camp bus. The first thing they did was visit their bunks and receive their special Discovery Camp t-shirts. Then the CLC Big Brothers and Sisters gave them a tour around camp.

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp







Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp










After they had lunch, the Discoverers started in on all the great activities that CLC has to offer. Discovery Camp Campers could be seen around camp flying through the air on the zip line and flying squirrel, making special projects at Arts & Crafts and skimming across the water on the banana boat. After dinner, the Discovery Camp Campers were introduced to the whole camp at line-up. As the guests of honor, they were given the privilege of lowering the flag. Then they enjoyed S’mores at the Campfire site. After S’mores, they were introduced to one of the many traditions at Chestnut Lake, Nancy Tucker. Nancy Tucker is always a huge hit at CLC as she plays her guitar and sings Chestnut favorites such as “Jelly Fish”, “One Meatball” and “To Stop the Train”.

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp





Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway CampDiscovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp







By Sunday morning, the only way you could tell the Discovery Camp Campers apart from the rest of the CLC campers was from their special tie-dye Discovery shirts! They continued their CLC weekend with activities like gymnastics, gaga, swimming at the pool and Outdoor Adventure. After lunch, they participated in a special scavenger hunt led by their CLC big brother or sister.

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp













Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp














After “discovering” what it means to be part of the Chestnut Lake family, the Discovery Camp Campers were all saying the same thing: “We can’t wait until next summer!”

And we can’t wait to see them!

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp

Discovery Camp, Best Summer Camp, Best Sleepaway Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Experience, 2 Hours from New York City, 2 Hours from NYC, Northeast Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from New York City, Premier Summer Camp 2 Hours from NYC, Premier Sleepaway Camp


Dutch Auction and Hypnotist

The fourth week of camp got off to a great start as everyone welcomed the new campers. That night, we held one of the funniest activities at CLC: the Dutch Auction. Campers meet at the hockey pavilion where they are given special instructions for the activity. To start, they are given a set amount of time to return to their bunks and fill one laundry bag with as many random items as possible. When the campers can go, they leave the hockey pavilion faster than parents on Visiting Day! Once they return, they are given many scenarios to act out utilizing whatever they have in their bag. Scenarios include how Curtis should have proposed to Niki, best Let It Go impression, best Division Leader impersonation and best superhero outfit.















Dutch Auction was followed a couple nights later by another one of the funniest activities, The Hypnotist. Everyone gathered on the cookout slope to listen to the hypnotist’s power of persuasion. After explaining how hypnotism works, everyone followed along with some basic relaxation exercises. Next, several staff members were selected to go on stage to participate in the show. Staff members quickly found themselves relaxing to the point of sleep, primed for hilarious suggestions from the hypnotist. One of the suggestions included watching an imaginary tv, surfing the channels, going between comedies, sad dramas and scary movies. Some of the other suggestions included driving a bus over curvy roads, trying to get the attention of the ice cream truck that produces the best ice cream in the world and Twitter’s $1,000,000 selfie contest. The authentic reactions of the staff kept everyone amazed and laughing the whole time.








What a great way to start second session!

A Coast to Coast Family Reunion at CLC!


In 2010, Jack Gordon attended Chestnut Lake Camp for the very first time.  When he arrived home to Potomac, Maryland after the summer, he shared his amazing experiences with his younger brother, Henry.  Henry started counting down the days until he could attend Chestnut Lake!

Jack and Henry have two cousins, Ella and Sophie, who live in California.  Ella and Sophie starting hearing all of Jack’s great CLC stories.  Just like Henry, Ella and Sophie also started getting the CLC fever!  Living on opposite coasts, the cousins didn’t get as many opportunities to get together as they’d like.  Their parents started talking about the possibility of them spending their summers together at Chestnut Lake Camp.

In 2012, Henry, Sophie and Ella all started their first summer at CLC with Jack who was starting his third summer.  Now, every summer they have their own family reunion at Chestnut Lake Camp.  We recently spoke with all 4 cousins and asked them to tell us about their CLC experiences and what it is like to spend time with each other at camp.

Day 6 - 47


Hi, my name is Jack Gordon, and I live in Potomac, Maryland. I really enjoy playing tennis and jumping on the trampoline (just like my brother). I go on the trampoline all of the time and practice flips and other cool and fun tricks.

I knew that Chestnut Lake Camp was right for me when my mom actually gave me an option of two camps. I saw both of the camp videos and they seemed really fun, but something about Chestnut Lake made me want to go there. Generally, I am terrible at making decisions. However, this time I didn’t even think about my decision because I knew I wanted to go to Chestnut Lake Camp. Once I got to camp, I saw all of the counselors greeting me with smiles on their faces and I knew I had made the best decision of my life!

My cousins, Sophie and Ella, live all the way on the other side of the country so I don’t get a chance to see them very often. Camp is the one time of year that I get to connect and communicate with my cousins face to face. Since Sophie is in the same age group as me and Ella is in the same age group as my brother Henry, we often get to talk and see each other. I also participate in tennis camp along with my cousin Sophie, which is a fun way of interacting and catching up with her. There is also another time that I get to be with my brother and cousins. This is at the “sibling cook-outs” which happen every so often during the summer. We get to eat together and talk about things we have enjoyed doing so far and new people we have met. Being able to see my cousins at camp makes camp even better than it already is.

Favorite Song: “I’m On Top of The World” by Imagine Dragons
Favorite Food: Hamburger
Favorite TV Show: The Voice
Favorite Camp Activity: Apache Relay


My name is Henry Gordon. I love soccer and to jump on our trampoline. We have two Goldendoodles. One of them is a puppy. I love to play with them even though the puppy gets a little crazy sometimes.

I knew Chestnut Lake Camp was for me because I went to visit my older brother, Jack, one summer. I got to sleep in his bunk with him and do the activities with his group for one whole day. I wanted to stay for the rest of the session, but my parents wouldn’t let me.

After my cousins, Sophie and Ella, found out how much my brother and I loved Chestnut Lake, my mom and my aunt decided it would be so great to have us go to camp together. I don’t get to see them that much because they live on the other side of the country. I like having them at camp because we get to have some of the same friends and do activities together sometimes.

Favorite Song: “Talk Dirty to Me” by Jason Derulo
Favorite Food: Ribs
Favorite Camp Activity: Tribal



Hi, my name is Sophie, and I live in California. I play tennis and soccer and I love to draw, read and play tether ball in our backyard. One year, we were at our cousins’ house in Maryland on a visit, when my aunt started to tell my sister and I about Chestnut Lake. Later that day, Paul came and talked to us about coming to camp. Instantly, we were hooked. That summer, off we went to Chestnut Lake. Now, I am in my third year there, and still loving it. I couldn’t be happier with my decision.

Going on my first bus ride from Maryland to Pennsylvania, I remember being stressed, nervous and excited. As soon as I walked through the tunnel of counselors, I immediately fell in love. I knew that this was going to be a fantastic three weeks.

Not only is camp such a fun thing to experience, but I also get to see both my cousins, Jack and Henry for three weeks. Living on opposite coasts makes it hard to see each other more than once or twice a year. Now that we both go to camp, I see them a guaranteed three weeks per year. It is so fun having them around and getting to spend time with them because we always have such a great time together.

Favorite Song: “Drops of Jupiter” by Train
Favorite TV Show: Modern Family
Favorite Camp Activity: Tribal, especially Apache Relay and Rope Burn


Hi, my name is Ella, and I live in California. As hobbies, I love to play soccer and tennis. I also love to read and play with my friends and family.

I found out about Chestnut Lake Camp from my two cousins, Jack and Henry, who live in Maryland. They had gone to Chestnut Lake, and told us all about the fun times and cool activities they had at CLC. I wanted to go, too! In previous summers, my sister and I had gone to a Camp in California that we also loved, but I loved all the activities that Chestnut Lake had: water skiing, zip-lining, plays and more. Finally, we convinced our parents to let us try CLC even though it was across the country. We loved it even more than we thought we would!

As soon as I arrived at Chestnut Lake Camp, I knew that it was right for me. Chestnut Lake has the most amazing, nice counselors that you will ever meet. They think of super-duper fun activities to do every day. There is always time to write home to your parents if you are feeling home-sick , and unlike every other camp, Chestnut Lake allows everyone to call their parents two times within three weeks!!!

Camp gives me a cool way to see my cousins more than I normally would. I get to see my cousins (Jack and Henry) after lunch, when we play, and when we are moving between activities. I love having my cousins, sister and best friend at camp with me because they comfort me when I’m feeling sad, homesick, or if I just want a bit of family around.

Chestnut Lake also has visiting day!!! I love visiting day. It is too far for my parents to come from California, but my aunt and uncle do visit us and let us Skype our parents. It is really cool to spend the day with my aunt, uncle and cousins!!

Favorite Song: “Happy” by Pharrell Williams
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite TV Show: Jesse or I Didn’t Do It
Favorite Camp Activity: Lake, especially the trampoline



Olivia Marshall Discovers Chestnut Lake Camp

For one weekend every summer, prospective campers have an opportunity to take a journey through the life of a Chestnut Lake camper and experience all that CLC has to offer. Discovery Camp is a two day adventure for current 1st-4th graders which will give them the opportunity to see and feel the warmth and spirit of Chestnut Lake Camp.  We spoke to Olivia Marshall, one of our 2013 Discovery campers, to find out how her weekend experience helped prepare her for her upcoming summer at Chestnut Lake.

Olivia Marshall

Hi! My name is Olivia Marshall. I am 9 years old and I am in 4th Grade in Howell, New Jersey.  I do not have any brothers or sisters but I do have a whole lot of cousins and a beagle named Buddy.  I like to sing, dance and act.  I also like to play school, the clarinet and Mine Craft.  When I grow up I would like to be a teacher.



Describe your Discovery Camp Experience:  My Discovery Camp experience started when I got off the bus.  I went through the tunnel and at that very moment I knew that I was part of the Chestnut Lake Family.  Everyone made me feel welcome and special inside.   I was very nervous in the beginning but I was assigned “Big Sisters” and they were always by my side.  I knew I wanted to come back to CLC.  When it was time to leave after Discovery Camp I got very sad and didn’t want to leave.  As soon as I got in the car I told my mom and Dad..”I HAVE to go back for 3 weeks! Pleeeeeeease!!!!”


What was your favorite thing about Discovery Camp:  I can think of lots of favorite things about Discovery Camp.  I liked hanging out with new friends, going on the blob in the lake, having Big sisters, S’mores, activities at night and the games you play in your bunk before you go to bed.  Actually, I liked everything.

olivia marshall-arts

Favorite Band/Musician:  Selena Gomez

Favorite Song:  Slow Down by Selena Gomez

Favorite Book:  Dork Diaries Series of books

Favorite Foods:  Pasta-with butter and garlic, salad, pizza, macaroni & cheese, mozzarella sticks, raspberries, Ramen noodle soup

What is one thing that you are looking forward to the most about your first summer at CLC:  Doing theater and seeing my counselors, swimming in the lake and playing games in the bunk at night before bed. (sorry-couldn’t pick just one)

Click here to watch the Discovery Camp Video.